How to teach your teenager about budgeting
Gone are the days of dropping spare change into a piggy bank or heading to the bank to open your child’s first savings' account. In this guide, we’ll cover how to help your teenager develop financial responsibility in today’s digital world.
Read moreWhat is Stamp Duty? A Handy Guide for First-time Buyers
Whilst Stamp Duty may be a necessary part of buying a home for most, it can often catch first-time buyers off guard. And with upcoming changes in April 2025, here’s what every first-time buyer should know.
Read moreMaximise Your Child’s Junior ISA: A Parent's Guide to Saving
Have you previously opened a Junior ISA (JISA) for your child? Or considering transferring their Child Trust Fund to a JISA? In this helpful guide, we look at the benefits of this popular children's tax efficient savings account.
Read moreWhat's a Flexible 'Stocks and Shares' ISA?
With a Unity Mutual Flexible ISA, your savings are invested in our Equity Fund. This fund invests in over 600 UK companies which tracks the average performance of the stock market. But what else do you need to know?
Read moreWhat a 450k (new build) house looks like across the UK in 2025
This February our popular blog is back, but with a slight twist. With ‘New Homes Week’ currently underway, we’ve decided to focus on new builds this year.
Read moreLifetime ISA: How this customer upgraded from a flat to a house
Considering opening a Lifetime ISA to save for your first property? Scarborough-based Ebow Duncan did just that and says, while putting aside the funds was challenging, he was able to change his life within a few short years.
Read moreA Guide to the Lifetime ISA
Keen to learn more about Lifetime ISAs, also known as LISAs? Our handy guide gives you all the details you require, to help you decide if saving with a Lifetime ISA is the right option for you – and your money.
Read moreThe Seasonal Financial Scams
In this helpful guide, Unity Mutual shares with you some of the many scams to watch out for during specific times of the year. From self-assessment tax related scams in January to tax-refund scams in April.
Read more100 Days Until the Next Tax Year
If you want to start 2025 with more savings, you wouldn't be alone. As we get closer to 2025, with just over 100 days left until the new tax year, why not take this opportunity to maximise your ISA allowance?
Read moreSpreading joy with every toy! Unity Mutual hold new Christmas toy appeal
Staff at Unity Mutual have been getting into the festive spirit again this year by holding their annual toy appeal for Manchester based children’s charity, Wood Street Mission. Find out more about how Wood Street Mission have been helping local families living on a low income since 1869.
Read moreMisconceptions of the Child Trust Fund (CTF): Fact or Fiction
According to, more than 670,000 18 to 22-year-olds are yet to claim their Child Trust Fund (CTF). Here at Unity Mutual, we have managed over 340,000 CTF accounts on behalf of our customers since 2009.
Read moreThe Autumn Budget 2024: Key Updates and What They Mean for You
The Chancellor’s Autumn Budget 2024 includes a host of financial updates that will affect individuals, families, and businesses across the UK. As always, we’re here to break down what these changes could mean for you.
Read moreRetirement Planning for Women: Are you at risk of running out of money?
When it comes to retirement planning, everyone’s situation is unique, and you need to consider what’s right for you and your family.
We've provided a quick checklist of things to consider when planning for retirement.
Read moreEffective Family Budgeting Tips: Save Money as a Parent
The kids are back at school and your wallet may be a little bit fuller, or it could be emptier than ever as ‘back to school’ costs can definitely add up.
In our latest article, we’re sharing some family budgeting tips to help you save money as a parent.
Read moreIs dyscalculia affecting the way you spend – and save?
Do you have dyscalculia? Or perhaps you think you have it, but you haven’t yet been diagnosed with the condition.
Dyscalculia is described by many as ‘numbers dyslexia’ – and it could affect the way you view, spend and save money. Find out more in our latest article.
Read moreUniversity – and the Costs Associated with Going
As we near the end of the summer and another cohort of freshers are set to embark on three or more years of studying and making memories, we focus on the costs associated with university. From course fees to the cost of living in student accommodation (and everything in between), we share a rough guide for students-to-be.
Read moreNursery fees: do you stand to save any money in the future?
We recently undertook some research, which revealed that a staggering 46% of people said they wish they’d saved more money. It got us thinking about the expenses associated with bringing up kids – and how caregivers everywhere could stand to benefit once their children are in school. Is your child(ren) due to start ‘big school’ this year or next?
Read moreUK General Election 2024: What Labour’s Victory Means for Your Finances
Regardless of your political stance, Labour’s win is certainly set to bring about many (potentially welcome) changes to the way the country is run – and in this, our latest article here on the Knowledge Hub of our site, we focus on what the election result could mean for your finances.
Read moreWhat a £450K House Looks Like Across the UK in 2024
Ready to finally place your foot firmly on the first rung of the property ladder? According to the UK House Price Index for March 2024, the average price of a house in the UK stands at £283,000. What if we told you that when you open a Lifetime ISA, you’ll get a 25% government top up on your savings?
Read more‘Unhealthy’ Spending Habits and Why They Form
From overspending to buying unnecessary items on credit, many of us have at least one spending habit that most would deem ‘unhealthy’. In our latest article, we focus on the link between money and our mental health, and how you can break the cycle of overspending, spending money you don’t have (and any other habits you’ve succumbed to).
Read moreThis money worry haunts almost 50% of Brits…
Are you worried about your standard of living? Has it taken a knock – or is it about to? If so, you’re amongst 48% of Britons who are concerned about the current economic crisis (and how it’s affecting how they spend their money). We look at practical ways we can all bring down our day-to-day costs and get a handle on our finances.
Read moreAre poor finances contributing to loneliness?
According to the Campaign to End Loneliness, approximately 7.1% of people in Great Britain experience chronic loneliness, meaning they feel lonely ‘often or always’. That’s a lot of lonely people – 3.83 million to be exact. With that in mind, we’re urging you to check in on your friends and family – and there’s never been a more apt time to do so, with Loneliness Awareness Week taking place from June 10 to 16.
Read moreFinancial Vulnerability and Its Many Guises
Financial vulnerability can affect us all. Due to their personal circumstances, though, those who are financially vulnerable can be at risk of harm. This can become apparent particularly when a firm does not act with the correct level of care. But what does it mean to be financially vulnerable – and who is financially vulnerable?
Read moreTurning 18: What it’s Meant, Through the Decades
What were you spending your money on when you turned 18 – and what does it mean to be a young adult today, financially speaking and generally?
In our latest article, we look at exactly what it’s meant, through the decades, to turn 18. Read on for a warm and comforting slice of nostalgia via some extremely telling personal recollections…
Mental Health Awareness Week & Our Commitment to Our Team
This week (13-19 May) is Mental Health Awareness Week and to mark the event, we’ve put together an article which details exactly what we do to ensure our staff feel supported.
Read morePreserving Your Digital Legacy: A Handy Guide
In this handy guide, we focus on the importance of getting to grips with preserving your ‘digital legacy’ and passing down your online assets to someone close to you.
Read moreSecret Savings and Investments: do you have them?
New figures have revealed something staggering: a fifth of 'Gen Z' couples are the most likely to have savings or investments that they haven't told their partner about.
Read moreDigital Tech: Are you on board with online banking?
Many banks are now digital-only, with fewer physical branches than ever before. Indeed, some banks have only ever been available digitally – and only digitally – from day one.
Read moreMoney: do you discuss it with friends?
Often, people find that discussing finances with friends and family is anything but easy. We delve into the reasons behind this – and offer pros and cons for talking about your bank balance with those close to you. Read on…
Read moreHow to Teach Your Child About Money in a Largely Cashless Society
With society now predominantly cashless, how do you teach your kids about money? After all, is it worth showing and teaching them different monetary denominations in coin form, if they’ll hardly be using loose change? We offer some tips in this, the latest article here on the ‘Knowledge Hub’ of our site. Read on…
Read moreFocusing on…the ‘Motherhood Penalty’
What is the ‘motherhood penalty’ – and has it affected your career? If you’re planning to have a child soon, we arm you with the information you may need to know in advance. Already have kids? You may be all too aware of what’s going on. Either way, read on for some invaluable insights…
Read moreThe Budget 2024: how might it affect your finances?
Will the 2024 Budget affect your finances – and if so, how so? In our latest article here on the ‘Knowledge Hub’ of our site, we focus on the 2024 Budget and what the changes may mean for you and your family.
Read moreYour Biggest Financial Worries: Revealed
When it comes to your finances, what do you worry about? Day-to-day living expenses, saving for the future, or something else entirely, such as preparing for maternity and paternity leave?
Read moreHow to Sell Your Home in 2024
We've compiled some top tips from around the Internet to ensure the process isn’t just smooth and stress-free, it allows you to keep track of your finances and spend as little as possible, too.
Read moreFinancial Frets and Regrets
Unity Mutual research reveals almost 60% of us are worried about our financial situations – so how should we reduce our financial anxieties?
Read moreReducing Your Debt: Things to Consider
Want to reduce your debt in 2024? We hear you. If you’ve vowed to make some positive financial changes this year, we share some ways British consumers are cutting back, in a bid to rid themselves of debt.
Read moreMoney Saving Challenges to Try in 2024
In our latest article here on the Knowledge Hub of our site, we share some of the best money saving challenges around. Read on…
Read moreWhat Our Elders Can Teach Us About Money
What can our elders teach us about money? From how to spend it to how to save it, we look at some top advice from around the world, most of it from those who’ve lived through difficult financial times. Read on…
Read moreThe True Cost of Retail Therapy
Many of us spend money on things that simply aren’t necessary – and the subject is covered in depth by Jessica Rozen in this eye-opening piece in The Guardian. While the article focuses on the financial outlook in Australia, the picture here in the UK is similar.
Read moreSetting up a Budget Ahead of 2024: Here’s How
Have you made a promise to yourself to be more frugal in 2024? If you’re keen to start as you mean to go on, perhaps now’s the time to put together a failsafe, money-saving plan.
Read moreLast-minute Christmas Gifts That Don’t Cost the Earth
Staggeringly, over half of Britons (52%) plan to spend less this year on Christmas, due to the rising cost of living.
Read moreWhat’s your attitude to borrowing money?
According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), more than a fifth of adults in Great Britain (22%, equal to around 11.5 million people) reported borrowing more money or using more credit because of the increased cost of living...
Read moreHow to Spot Financial Scams: A Guide
A handy guide on how to keep your finances safe online.
Read moreFive Times You Could’ve Wasted Money This Month
In our latest article, we focus on the five occasions you could have wasted money this month, without even knowing it. We also provide some practical tips to help you put more funds aside for a rainy day. Read on…
Read moreAutism and Managing Money: A Guide
This guide answers some frequently asked questions about money, including making a monthly budget, and where to seek help via handy financial resources.
Read moreThe Autumn Statement: A missed opportunity for young savers.
The Chancellor made his Autumn Statement on Wednesday and we were hoping to see him announce some much-needed reforms to the Lifetime ISA. Unfortunately, he didn’t alter the Lifetime ISA rules, and the opportunity to make some simple changes to it to make it work for more young people was missed.
Read moreWhat could the Autumn Statement mean for Lifetime ISAs?
Next Wednesday (22 November), the Chancellor will make his Autumn Statement, where he’ll lay out his plans for the economy. Rumours are circulating about what he’ll announce and whether he’ll make any much-needed changes to the Lifetime ISA.
Read moreQuirky Things People Do to Save Money
What’s your failsafe tip or trick when it comes to saving money? Do you cut up your credit cards to stop yourself from using them? Or perhaps you restrain yourself when it comes to treats, enjoying just one or two per month. Or maybe you swap clothes rather than buy them.
Read moreCalling All New Parents: Here’s How You Can Get a Free First Aid Course…
Keeping your children safe is always going to be a top priority. To Find out more about how you can get your Free Paediatric First Aid Course, read on...
Read moreMoney Matters: Mental Health Vs Finances
Does your financial situation affect your overall mental health?
Read moreCashless Society: What are the Pros and Cons?
Should we go completely cashless day-to-day? Or do you still enjoy the jangle of loose change in your pocket, or slipping a bank note or two in your grandkids’ birthday cards?
Read moreAsking the Hard Questions: What happens to your money when you die?
While most of us do our best to steer clear of the topic of death, it is nonetheless an unavoidable fact of life. It’s vital, therefore, to have those uncomfortable but important conversations with those you love.
Read moreGenerous Generation Awards: Meet Our Winner
At Unity Mutual, we’ve dubbed the over 50s the ‘Generous Generation’ – and with good reason. Since undertaking a piece of eye-opening research on the demographic, we found those in their fifth decade are helping their children out, not just with money but with time. Some kind-hearted folks are even changing their retirement plans to look after their grandkids.
Read moreCustomers with Dementia: Here’s How We Support You
Are you living with Dementia? Or perhaps someone close to you finds everyday tasks more challenging due to the condition.
Read morePayday Treats: Do you still indulge in them?
Mortgage rates and household bills are on the rise, so is treating yourself still achievable? Do you allow yourself a payday indulgence or two, or are you more inclined to squirrel away any spare funds due to the cost-of-living crisis?
Read moreWhat I Learned in my Twenties About Money
How has your attitude to money changed – and evolved – over the years? Are you a better saver now than you were when you were younger? We look at some key learnings from our 20s and discover if any financial goals we set ourselves* have stuck.
Read moreMeet Donna Rogers…Scaling New Heights for a Charity Close to Our Hearts
Unity Mutual team member Donna took to Ben Nevis with some of her oldest friends to raise money for Dementia Friends, read the full story here...
Read moreTrying for a baby? How to Prepare Your Finances for the Future
Is expanding your family on the cards for you and your other half? To ensure your finances are in the healthiest possible position (and to alleviate financial pressure later), we’re bringing you some top tips to prepare you for the future.
Read moreWhy You Should Do a ‘Money Makeover’
How are your finances looking? Even if you think they’re generally pretty healthy, everyone can benefit from doing a ‘Money Makeover’ – but what is it and how will it boost your bank account(s)? In this article, we focus on the valuable budgeting practice, featuring quotes from people who’ve recently assessed their funds in a bid to save more money in the long run.
Read moreMoney Matters: Is your dog the most expensive member of your family?
A dog is indeed ‘man’s best friend’ – but is your beloved canine so important to you that he (or she) has fast become the most expensive member of your family? In our latest ‘Money Matters’ article, we look at how much money you can expect to spend on a dog, featuring quotes from the Unity Mutual team , and our own friends and family.
Read moreMoney Matters: Joint Account Vs Separate Finances
It’s that age-old debate: do you pool your finances with your other half or opt for individual accounts? We explore the pros and cons of each in our latest ‘Money Matters’ article. Read on to make the best choice for you – and your partner.
Read more(2023) What a £450K House Looks Like Across the UK
Whether you’re on the lookout for a home that costs much less than £450k, or you live in an area of the country where your first property is likely to cost every penny of that sum – or more – it’s worth taking a look at how far your money will stretch.
Read moreWorried about making a career change while money is tight?
As we all know, the cost of just about everything went up in the last 12 months, but should you let money worries impact your career? If you’ve been pondering how secure your next big move is (or how solid your current role is), we’ve put together some handy tips.
Read moreSchemes that Could Get You Your First Home Faster: A Guide
Your first house might be closer than you think, though. In this article, we take a look at the schemes that could help you get on the property ladder faster.
Read moreThings We Learned When We Moved in With Our Partner
Considering moving in with your other half? Whether you’re not quite ready to make the decision and need a gentle nudge, or you’re already planning how you’ll decorate your new abode, this article should give you plenty of reasons why cohabiting could be for you.
Read moreFive Inventive Ways to Save Money
Opened a savings account and started burrowing some spare money away? If so, you might be less than pleased by how long it’s taking for said savings to mount up. May we present five inventive ways to put some extra cash aside in 2023, then? Read on for a handful of top tips…
Read moreSaving for Your First Home? Things You Should Know
Hoping to finally buy a property in the not too distant future? Saving for your first home can feel like a slog, but with a little commitment, getting the keys to your very own property could come sooner than you think. First, here are some things you should know if you’re aiming to get on the property ladder in 2023 – or not long after. Read on…
Read moreGetting Your Affairs in Order For Those You Love: A handy Guide
From dealing with debts to combining savings accounts and collating relevant information into one, handy place, you could make a firm plan right now to ensure those you care about can easily manage your estate when the time inevitably comes.
Read moreMoney Matters: Top Tips From Bargain Hunters
Whether your finances are healthy or you need to rein in your spending a little, snapping up a bargain or two can give you a spring in your step.
Read moreEmergency Funds and Why They Matter
do you have an emergency fund - and if not (at the risk of sounding like your mother or a teacher), why not?!
Read moreMoney Matters: The 2023 Budget
The childcare reforms may not just impact parents, but grandparents too!
Read moreWhat’s a Guaranteed Investment Bond – and Why Invest Your Money in One?
Want to grow your wealth in 2023 and beyond? A Guaranteed Investment Bond (GIB) could be the route for you – but what is an investment bond and why might investing your money into one be right for you?
Read moreAre you 'living for now' or 'making ends meet'?
According to the results of a recent survey conducted by the Unity Mutual team, 75% of younger Brits are currently struggling financially.
Read moreSaving for a Home in Your 30s? Why Buying Later in Life Could Be More Beneficial
If you’re in your 30s, perhaps you thought you’d be on the property ladder much sooner. The fact is, the average age for a first-time buyer is edging ever closer to 40, according to this article on The Daily Mail website.
Read moreSaving for a Mortgage Deposit, Despite Today’s Market: A Handy Guide
Let’s face it…saving for a mortgage deposit can be enough of a challenge during much simpler economic times. So, how does one go about it during a cost-of-living crisis?! There’s no denying that, in a tougher financial climate, it becomes tougher to save for anything – let alone something as huge as a mortgage.
Read moreBring Some Positivity to January
We’re preparing you for January by sharing with you some ways you can ensure the month is nothing less than positive. Go on; start the year off the right way by following these tips for a happier, healthier January. Here’s how…
Read moreNo-Spend January: Who's in?...
To begin our 12-month challenge, we’re kicking off with a ‘No-spend’ January. Well, when we say no-spend, we mean no spending that isn’t a necessity.
Read moreWhat is Over 50s Life Insurance?
With so many policies available to give you life cover – it can be difficult to know which to choose. However – what many don’t know is that with a lot of policies, you can take out more than one if you choose to.
Read moreThing every New Parent Needs to Know About Budgeting
If you’ve recently become a parent, congratulations! Alongside seeing your little one smile for the first time, rolling over, crawling and their first steps are up there with some of the most exciting milestones they will reach in their early lives.
Read more"Say WHAT?!" - A Glossary of Terms for The Modern Day 50-Something
A glossary of modern-day terms for the equally modern fifty-something. You’ll be deciphering your pre-teen’s, teenager’s or young adult’s convos in no time…
Read moreHobbies for Your Highlight Years
Think about it; your children – if you have them – are probably out there ‘living their best life’ and fending for themselves. You may also have more disposable income and we reckon you’ll have a little more time on your hands now too. That job you’ve spent your life rolling out of bed for? You could well be counting down the days until that’s no longer your reality.
Read moreFinances: The Advice You’d Give Your Younger Self
When you were little, did you have grand ideas regarding how your life would pan out? Perhaps you thought you’d be married by 20, have children by 25 and own a house the Royal family would be proud to live in...
Read moreMoney Matters: Guilty of overspending at Christmas? Real Parents Share Tips on Cutting Back
Ah, the lure of overspending during the festive season – if you’re anything like us, you’ll find it hard to avoid it. After all, it is nice to be in a position to splash out, especially at Christmas. But if you have a young family and/or you’re worried about the current cost-of-living crisis, perhaps you’re keen to cut back this year.
Read morePlanning your Funeral: Why not start sooner, rather than later?
Like finances and Bruno (if you know, you know!), we don’t tend to talk about funerals – or rather, planning them. While we’re aware it isn’t the cheeriest of subjects, putting preparations in place for your funeral is worth discussing nonetheless – and there’s no harm at all in getting some ideas down on paper sooner, rather than later.
Read moreMoney Matters: How to Stretch Your Maternity Pay
If you’re currently on maternity leave – or you’re about to embark on it – congratulations! This is arguably one of the most exciting stages of your life. It can also be the most difficult, with plenty of new challenges ahead of you, on top of one too many sleepless nights.
Read moreFifty and Thriving: Why Reaching Your Fifth Decade is Just the Start…
As part of our current ‘Over It’ campaign, we’re focusing on, you guessed it, all the things we’re well and truly ‘over’, or rather, sick to the back teeth of, as quinquagenarians. Yes, we’re washing our hands of patronising adverts and tired old promotions aimed towards those over 50.
Read moreWhat Does it Mean to Be a Parent?
Parenting: it looks different to each of us. Perhaps you’re a young parent, or maybe you entered parenthood later in life. You could be nearing the end of a pregnancy or trying to conceive – and you may be called ‘Mum’, ‘Dad’, ‘Stepmum’, ‘Stepdad’ or anything and everything in between.
Read moreLifetime ISA Rules – The Small Print | How Does a Lifetime ISA Work?
The Lifetime ISA rules are in place to protect you from making mistakes with your funds, and to keep the Lifetime ISA fair for everyone who uses them.
Read moreStocks & Shares ISAs Made Simple
One of our most frequently asked questions is “how does a Stocks and Shares ISA work?” – This could possibly be due to our particular Stocks and Shares Lifetime ISA* functioning differently in comparison to many other providers’.
Read moreLittle Known Costs of Buying Your First Home
Are you looking into buying your first home but want to know about the other costs that come on top of your deposit, and even once you’ve got the keys - and how much to save before you buy your first home?
Read moreHelp to Buy vs Lifetime ISA
You may have opened a Help to Buy before they were discontinued, or Lifetime ISA* (LISA) which is still available to open, but what exactly are they? We’ll have a look at both and explore what it looks like to invest in a Help to Buy vs Lifetime ISA.
Read moreBeing Realistic about saving for a Home | How to save for a house
If you're wondering how to save for a house, without depriving yourself of the things you love, look no further.
Read moreWhat a £450K House Looks Like Across the UK
Millennials and Gen Z alike are beginning to climb the property ladder, with the help of the Lifetime ISA and the 25% Government Bonus. As long as you’re aged 18-39, live in the UK and have never owned a property.
Read moreYour Finances & Who Shapes Your Attitude Towards Them
Wondering where you should put your hard-earned money for safe keeping? You’ve probably heard of ISAs – or Individual Savings Accounts – but do you know what benefits they can bring?
Read moreFive Savings Habits to Start in Your Twenties
'How to save money' can take over your twenties. Forming good habits around your spending can help you to find better balance.
Read moreYour Lifetime ISA Questions: The Sensible to the 'Silly'
There's so much to take in when you've never opened an ISA or gotten a mortgage before. Here are the answers to some of your burning Lifetime ISA questions.
Read moreHow Financial Journalling Can Help You Prepare for the New Year and Beyond
Being more accountable for your spending is a great first step to saving more money to spend on what really matters.
Read moreA Guide to ISAs
Wondering where you should put your hard earned money for safe-keeping? You've probably heard of ISAs - or individual savings accounts - but do you know what benefits they could bring?
Read moreManaging your investments at a time of uncertainty
At a time when most of Europe is in lockdown, there is a clear level of uncertainty around the stocks and shares markets and how this uncertainty will affect investments. We delve into some of the details about this here.
Read moreHow and Why to Save for Your Child’s Future
Want to put some funds away to secure your child’s financial future? Many parents, grandparents and guardians put money aside each month for everything from their teenager’s university fees or driving lessons, to a deposit for a first property.
Read morePost-COVID investments
With covid-19 restrictions slowly coming to an end and the world tentatively opening back up again, there may well be light at the end of the tunnel for many of you.
Read moreHow and why to save for retirement
How and why you should save for retirement – specifically, why you should start now.
Read moreStress Awareness Month: Has financial stress got the better of you?
Many people have suffered financial hardship during the pandemic, with jobs lost or at risk – and if it’s got the better of you, too, we have some advice below.
Read more