Fund prices

Track the performance of the fund your money is invested in. 

How it works

Below you’ll see a list of our different investment funds, alongside some prices which indicate how the funds are performing.

There are two prices for each fund listed: the 'Offer' (buying) price and the 'Bid' (selling) price. These prices reflect the current value of the stocks and shares each fund has invested in.

Sometimes the offer price is the same as the bid price.

When you put some money into your investment, you’re effectively buying a number of units in a fund, and the number of units you get depends on the 'offer' price at that time.

When you take money out, you’re selling a number of units. The value of these units is worked out from the 'bid' price at that time.

For example, if you hold 100 units and the bid price of each unit was £2, then the value of your units would be £200.

How many units do I have?

If you’re not sure how many units you hold in your investment, or how to work out what they’re worth, contact us and we will be happy to help.

The following prices are in pounds sterling (£).

Stocks & Shares ISA and Junior ISA Unit Prices

Last Updated: 03/03/2025

Stocks & Shares ISA Fund

Offer Price


Bid Price £1.930

Junior ISA Fund

Offer Price £1.930
Bid Price £1.930



Oddfellows Unit Prices - applicable to Manchester Unity Assurance (MUA) policies only

Last updated: 03/03/2025

Managed Taxable

Offer Price £5.430
Bid Price £5.159

Fixed Interest

Offer Price £3.326
Bid Price


Money Taxable

Offer Price £2.509
Bid Price £2.383

Equity Taxable

Offer Price


Bid Price


Managed Untaxable

Offer Price £6.543
Bid Price £6.216

Fixed Interest Untaxable

Offer Price £3.744
Bid Price £3.557

Money Untaxable

Offer Price £3.481
Bid Price £3.306

Equity Untaxable

Offer Price £7.761
Bid Price £7.373

UK Index Untaxable

Offer Price £5.795
Bid Price



Ideal Unit Prices - applicable if your policy number begins with P, R, L or 0

Last Updated: 03/03/2025


Offer Price £9.817
Bid Price £9.326


Offer Price £8.593
Bid Price £8.163


Child Trust Fund (CTF) Unit Prices

Last Updated: 03/03/2025

Unity Mutual (former Oddfellows) Equity Fund

Fund Price


Unity Mutual (former Schoolteachers) Equity Fund

Fund Price £2.753

Unity Mutual (former Druids Sheffield) Equity Fund

Fund Price £2.494


Kingston Unity (KU) Unit Prices

Last Updated: 03/03/2025

Former Kingston Unity Fund

Fund Price £2.515


Please remember

  • Past performance is no guide to the future, and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
  • The unit prices of investment linked funds can go down as well as up. Therefore, the value of an investment can’t be guaranteed. 
  • This unit data is for information only, and we can’t guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

If you need to know more about the alternative options available for your particular policy, please contact us.

Note that we can’t advise you on what to do. This information is here to help you make up your own mind.

If you want advice or you’re not sure what to do about an investment, you should talk to an Independent Financial Advisor (IFA). You can find a local financial advisor by visiting You may need to pay for a financial advisor’s help, so make sure you ask them about their fees first.